Quotes And WIshes

57 Best Quotes For Your Senior – Wait for #31

57 Best Quotes For Your Senior – Wait for #31

Seniors are usually those who actually have some bad relationship with their juniors but actually, this doesn’t turn out to be the same in every case. A senior is someone who has helped you a lot in your college life or any field. have been a supporter, a leader, a friend, and many more.

Also, check out our collection of quotes on elder brother.

Below are some of the best quotes for your seniors which will make them feel happy

  1. “As you enter your new life, we juniors wish you loads of success, with a cupful of happiness, mountains of achievements, and good wishes to live your dream every moment”.
  2. “On your last day, I won’t say goodbye to you since I will be soon meeting you someday. Farewell from the office, but not from my life. I do hope to meet you again.”
  3. “It is tearful and sad to say goodbye, but the best thing is that there is the hope of the best things and opportunities to cross your path after you leave the premises of this institution.”
  4. “The time has come to say you goodbye. But just remember one thing, there was a junior who remembers the special moments shared with you. All these moments are quite worthy.”
  5. “You will be missed amongst us whenever we take breaks, gossips, have coffee or simply take part in any official activities. This goodbye farewell message will make you remember us and we do hope for a glorious future for you.”
  6. “Now the office hours will be longer without your presence. You will be missed by all due to your dashing personality and impressive team leadership. Wishing the best for you.”
  7. “With a heavy heart, we are giving you this farewell. You will be missed always in our office life. All the best for your future.”
  8. “You have been my best friend. Mentor and guide. Now that you are going, I will miss working under your guidance. I will always remember your teachings and sayings. I will always follow your shown path to success. Bye and farewell.”
  9. “Your leadership and guidance have lifted the tired souls and lazy employees like us. Working with you was a great experience. We know that wherever you the employees working under you will keep on praising you. Bye and have a memorable farewell.”
  10. “You were the source of our inspiration. It is sad to see you leave this college and hostel. You will be always remembered. We part to meet again. Happy farewell and best wishes for your future.”
  11. “Senior students are the guide of the junior students. You have shown us the path to success. We will surely follow your steps. Farewell and heartiest wishes for the best future.”
  12. “Bidding you farewell with a heavy heart is tearful. But, it is happy to see you step into the new phase of your life. Farewell, dear senior, and goodbye.”
  13. “Your batch was the best seniors we had. We are grateful to you since you’re the inspiration who has pledged us to good in our academic life.”
  14. “It is your last day at our College and we are thankful for your contribution to making our college’s reputation the best one due to your hard work. Farewell.”
  15. “You are the helpful and dedicated senior that we juniors can never forget. The good things taught by you will always be remembered. Farewell on your last day at college and best wishes for a bright future.”
  16. “It is painful to see you leaving us. Since you are the best leader of our team, we wish you loads of success and best wishes for your new life.”
  17. “Time is nearing for you and us, this is the time to part from each other. You were the best colleague we had who guided us without any negative thinking. Best wishes for your life ahead.”
  18. “Innumerable peoples have entered my life who has influenced my career life. But it is only you who have groomed my career to the ladder of success. Your support and trust in me and take me to the position for which I am known today. Thanks for believing in me, and have a memorable farewell.”
  19. I am grateful to all my seniors who actually stood up for us each as well as every single time, and also been so very supportive to us as juniors.”
  20. “Gratefulness to all of our seniors who always be so very supportive as well as so very perceptive every single time we approach them for their help.”
  21. “Today as a junior I really would love to grab this very opportunity to thank all my seniors who always had been so very supportive, like our elders always made us understand our very mistakes and also always had been so very loving to us as juniors.”
  22. “We all are so very blessed that actually, we got seniors like you who are so very amazing and also so very loving; you all actually deserve many commendations for all the very support you actually gave us each as well as every time.”
  23. “Gratefulness to all our seniors for always they had been so very supportive as well as so very cooperative to us and helping us every time in each and everything.”
  24. “The very credits for all the awesomeness of the annual fest go only to my amazing seniors. Thanksgiving for all that support and cooperation.”
  25. “Honestly speaking all this confidence that we have in us today is only only because of our super cool as well as our most amazing seniors. Thanksgiving for all the love and all that support of yours.”
  26. “All the roles of our seniors in the very organization as well as the very implementation of this policy are so very commendable and appreciable. Thanks for giving for the very way our seniors always supported us.”
  27. “All my seniors deserve only and only applause as well as an appreciation for all their hard work and for all their support with which they completed this very project on time. Thankfulness for such amazing seniors.”
  28. “Today I am thanking all my loveliest seniors with whose actual support I am so very confident as well as successful in my life.”
  29. “Our memories of yesterday will last a lifetime. We’ll take the best, for the rest, and someday will find that these are the best of times”
  30. “Now that you’ve graduated, just remember: Bosses don’t usually accept notes from your mother.”
  31. “This is nothing but a hive, and I am the one and only Queen Bee.”
  32. “I’m a senior, but I stay a freshman.”
  33. “The road of life can be sometimes full of difficulties. But you need that strength to overcome all the challenges. May you be successful in all phases of your life and be famous. God bless you. Farewell, dear.”
  34. “The achievements we gain do make us memorable in the history of this school. Even your achievements will be remembered by our school. You have also given us such sweet memories. Farewell seniors and do keep in touch.”
  35. “School life is gone so don’t be sad that it is over. Just remember the memories of our dear school. Farewell, and do come to visit us and your old school.”
  36. “We have a short life and we need to make it worthy. Do your best and excel in every challenge. Farewell! Lots of love and good wishes for your future.”
  37. “You are all over my heart. So you can only farewell from the office, not from my life. We’ll meet again. May you have a successful new life.”
  38. “We will miss you whenever we take breaks, gossips, have coffee, or simply take part in any official activities. Don’t forget us, remember that you will be always with us even if you are not present physically. We hope for a glorious future for you.”
  39. “You were my best friend as well as a good mentor and guide. We will miss your presence and guidance while working. We will always remember you, your teachings, and your smile. We will try to follow your shown path to success as much as possible. Goodbye and farewell.”
  40. “The tired souls and lazy employees like us have been lifted up by your leadership and guidance. It was a great experience working with you. Wherever you go, our well-wishing always will be with you. Goodbye, and be happy.”
  41. “Every year, many, many stupid people graduate from college. And if they can do it, so can you.”
  42. “You’re going to fall, but the world doesn’t care how many times you fall, as long as it’s one fewer than the number of times you get back up.”
  43. “You are graduating from college. That means that this is the first day of the last day of your life. No, that’s wrong. This is the last day of the first day of school. Nope, that’s worse. This is a day.”
  44. “My dear terrified graduates, you are about to enter the most uncertain and thrilling period of your lives.”
  45. “When they hand you your diploma, keep moving. Just in case they try to take it back.”
  46. “Follow your passion, stay true to yourself, never follow someone else’s path unless you’re in the woods and you’re lost and you see a path then by all means you should follow that.”
  47. “Graduation: A ritual event where they award you a diploma, in the hope that you have learned enough to be able to read it.”
  48. “At graduation, you get to wear a cap and gown, but it’s a good idea to also wear something underneath it.”
  49. “Your life is your adventure. And the adventure ahead of you is a journey to fulfill your purpose and potential.”
  50. “Fight for what makes you optimistic about the world. Find it, insist on it, dig into it, go after it.”
  51. “He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life.”
  52. “If we’d all stuck with our first dream, the world would be overrun with cowboys and princesses. So whatever your dream is right now, if you don’t achieve it you haven’t failed and you’re not some loser.”
  53. “Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.”
  54. “Senior There will be times when your best isn’t good enough. There can be many reasons for this, but as long as you give your best you’ll be OK.”
  55. “Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself.”
  56. “You have been the best seniors we juniors could have asked for. You guided us and helped us when we were new in college. It is time for us to bid you farewell and hope you have a successful life ahead.”
  57. “As you graduate, as you deal with your excitement and your doubts today, I urge you to try and create the world you want to live in. Minister to the world in a way that can change it. Minister radically in a real, active, practical, get your hands dirty way.”


Seniors junior relationship comes with a lot of emotions, conflict, support etc. they are the one who pulls your leg and also who never let you feel alone in this new phase of life. They become somewhat like a second family for you. Hope the above quotes have helped you a lot.

Take a look at this for more.



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