36 Super Cool One Life to Live Quotes for All Amazing Enthusiasts

36 Super Cool One Life to Live Quotes for All Amazing Enthusiasts

Our days are filled with challenges and problems. There is so much stress that sometimes all we do is focus on the negative aspects of life. We take part in unnecessary gossip, indulge in self-destructive behaviours and complain about trivial issues. We forget that time is precious and we are not immortal. We will die without even living.

Read our post on best Forrest Gump Quotes too.

The best one life to live quotes

Here are some quotes to help you bring a fresh perspective about life and live life to the fullest

1 . Enjoy the little things in life, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.
~Robert Breault

2. All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

3. Life is a game, play it; Life is a challenge, Meet it; Life is an opportunity, Capture it. ~ Unknown

4. If you obey all the rules, you’ll miss all the fun. ~ Katharine Hepburn

5. The saddest summary of a life contains three descriptions: could have, might have, and should have. ~ Louis E. Boone

6. There’ll be two dates on your tombstone and all your friends will read ’em but all that’s gonna matter is that little dash between ’em. ~ Kevin Welch

7. Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the things you did. ~ Mark Twain

8. Cherish your yesterdays, dream your tomorrows and live your todays. ~ Anonymous

9. Quit hanging on to the handrails . . . Let go. Surrender. Go for the ride of your life. Do it every day. ~Melody Beattie

10. Be bold and mighty forces will come to your aid. In the past, whenever I had fallen short in almost any undertaking, it was seldom because I had tried and failed. It was because I had let fear of failure stop me from trying at all. ~ Arthur Gordon

11. One way to get the most out of life is to look upon it as an adventure.  ~ William Feather

12. Every day, it’s important to ask and answer these questions: “What’s good in my life?” and “What needs to be done?”~ Nathaniel Branden

13. A life without cause is a life without effect. ~ Barbarella

14. There is only one success, to be able to spend your life in your own way. ~ Christopher Morley

15. Don’t wait. Make memories today. Celebrate your life! ~ unknown

16. Life has no limitations, except the ones you make. ~ Les Brown

17. Life is a great big canvas, and you should throw all the paint on it you can. ~ Danny Kaye

18. Don’t be afraid your life will end; be afraid that it will never begin. ~  Grace Hansen

19. You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough. ~ Joe Lewis

20. Somebody should tell us, right at the start of our lives, that we are dying. Then we might live life to the limit, every minute of every day. Do it! I say. Whatever you want to do, do it now! There are only so many tomorrows. ~ Pope Paul VI

21. I don’t wait for the calendar to figure out when I should live life. ~ Gene Simmons

22. The purpose of life, after all, is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience. ~Eleanor Roosevelt

23. It is not the years in your life but the life in your years that counts. ~ Adlai Stevenson

24. Don’t be fooled by the calendar. There are only as many days in the year as you make use of. ~Charles Richards

25. Enjoy yourself. It’s later than you think. ~Chinese Proverb

26. Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. ~Wayne Dyer

27. Every man dies. Not every man really lives. ~Braveheart

28. Dream as if you’ll live forever. Live as if you’ll die today. ~James Dean

29. The bitterest tears shed over graves are for words left unsaid and for deeds left undone. ~Harriet Beecher Stowe

30.Life is not lost by dying; life is lost minute by minute, day by dragging day, in all the thousand small uncaring ways. ~Stephen Vincent Benét

31. As you grow older, you’ll find the only things you regret are the things you didn’t do. ~Zachary Scott

32. And in the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years. ~Abraham Lincoln

33. I’m less interested in why we’re here. I’m wholly devoted to while we’re here. ~Erika Harris

34. To change one’s life: Start immediately. Do it flamboyantly. No exceptions. ~William James

35. A man that is young in years may be old in hours, if he has lost no time. ~Francis Bacon, Essays

36. You will never find time for anything. If you want time you must make it. ~Charles Buxton

Here are best quotes on we have one life to live


Here is the list of the 36 one life to live quotes. I have covered most of the quotes in the best way possible. If you have more suggestions, feel free to contact us and we will definitely prioritise your suggestion.

For future readings, refer to this article.

20 Top Grossing Best Forrest Gump Quotes – Wait for #7

20 Top Grossing Best Forrest Gump Quotes – Wait for #7

Forrest Gump is an American Romantic Drama Movie, starring Tom Hanks, directed by Robert Zemeckis.
One of the reasons why people can still relate to it even though the movie was released in 1994 is the fact that the movie portrays the exact same drama that an average American bears every day. The movie teaches some exceptional life lesson and those lessons are curated right here in the form of some amazing dialogues for you to read. You know, if you want some inspiration but don’t have so much time to watch the entire movie, you can just come here and brush up.

Read our compilation of Star Wars Quotes.

Happy Reading!

20 Best Quotes from Forest Gump that will surely shock you

Best Forest Gump quotes My mama always told me that miracles happen every day some people don't think so but they do

1. When I got tired, I slept. When I got hungry, I ate. When I had to go, you know, I went.

2. If there’s anything you need, I won’t be far away.

3. Forrest Gump: What’s my destiny, Mama?

4. Mrs. Gump: You’re gonna have to figure that out for yourself.

5. My Mama always told me that miracles happen every day. Some people don’t think so, but they do.

6. You have to do the best with what God gave you.

7. You know it’s funny what a young man recollects? ‘Cause I don’t remember bein’ born. I don’t recall what I got for my first Christmas and I don’t know when I went on my first outdoor picnic. But I do remember the first time I heard the sweetest voice in the wide world.

8. My mama always said, dyin’ was a part of life. I sure wish it wasn’t.

9. And ‘cause I was a gazillionaire, and I liked doing it so much, I cut that grass for free.

10. The really good thing about meeting the President of the United States is the food. They put you in this little room with just about anything you’d want to eat or drink. But since, number one, I wasn’t hungry, but thirsty, and number two, they were free, I must have drunk me about fifteen Dr. Peppers.

Best Forest Gump quotes My mama always told me that miracles happen every day some people don't think so but they do

11. My mama always said ‘Life is like a box of chocolate. You never know what you’re gonna get.’

12. Lt. Dan Taylor: Have you found Jesus yet, Gump?
Forrest Gump: I didn’t know I was supposed to be looking for him, sir.

13. Now you wouldn’t believe me if I told you, but I could run like the wind blows. From that day on, if I was goin’ somewhere, I was runnin’!

14. Don’t ever let anybody tell you they’re better than you, Forrest. If God intended everybody to be the same, he’d have given us all braces on our legs.

15. Mama always had a way of explaining things so I could understand them.

16. I don’t know if we each have a destiny, or if we’re all just floatin’ around accidental-like on a breeze. But I, I think maybe it’s both.

17. What’s normal anyway?

18. Now, mama said there’s only so much fortune a man really needs… and the rest is just for showing off.

19. I’m not the smart man. But I know what love is.

20. Run, Forrest! Run!

Best Forest Gump Quotes my mama always said, dyin' was a part of life. I sure wish it wasn't


“Don’t let anybody tell you, they are better than you.” Well among the many good things about this movie, I like the fact so much it teaches you time and again, not to undermine yourself.

References: goalcast

25 Superb Helen Keller Quotes You Must Read Now

25 Superb Helen Keller Quotes You Must Read Now

Helen Keller lost her sight and hearing to an unknown illness when she was 19 months old. However, this loss didn’t take her intelligence away, for soon everyone knew of Helen as one of the most inspirational figures in American history.

I have curated some of her most inspiring quotes for you to read. Happy Reading!

Read our post on Best Quotes by Mother Teresa Too.

Top Hellen Keller Quotes which says so long as you can sweeten another's pain, life is not in vain

Best Selected Top 25 Quotes By World Famous Author Helen Keller

1. “When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.”

2. “I would rather walk with a friend in the dark, than alone in the light.”

3. “The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart.”

4. “Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.”

5. “Death is no more than passing from one room into another. But there’s a difference for me, you know. Because in that other room I shall be able to see.”

6. “One can never consent to creep when one feels an impulse to soar.”

7. “Although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of the overcoming of it.”

8. “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.”

9. “Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired, and success achieved.”

10. “Keep your face to the sun and you will never see the shadows.”

Best Quotes by Helen Keller Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood

11. “Be of good cheer. Do not think of today’s failures, but of the success that may come tomorrow. You have set yourselves a difficult task, but you will succeed if you persevere; and you will find a joy in overcoming obstacles. Remember, no effort that we make to attain something beautiful is ever lost.”

12. “The most pathetic person in the world is some one who has sight but no vision.”

13. “What we once enjoyed and deeply loved we can never lose, For all that we love deeply becomes a part of us.”

14. “Never bend your head. Hold it high. Look the world straight in the eye.”

15. “The highest result of education is tolerance.”

Top and best Helen Keller Quotes that says There are no shortcuts to any place worth going

16. “I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to accomplish small tasks as if they were great and noble.”

17. “Science may have found a cure for most evils; but it has found no remedy for the worst of them all — the apathy of human beings.”

18. “People don’t like to think, if one thinks, one must reach conclusions. Conclusions are not always pleasant.”

19. “What I’m looking for is not out there, it is in me.”

20. “Literature is my Utopia.”

Best Helen Keller Quotes that says Self-pity is our worst enemy and if we yeild to it, we can never do anything good in the world

21. “A bend in the road is not the end of the road…Unless you fail to make the turn.”

22. “We could never learn to be brave and patient if there were only joy in the world”

23. “Happiness does not come from without, it comes from within.”

24. “Everything has its wonders, even darkness and silence, and I learn, whatever state I may be in, therein to be content.”

25. “Many persons have a wrong idea of what constitutes true happiness. It is not attained through self-gratification but through fidelity to a worthy purpose.”

best Helen Keller Quotes knowledge is love and light and vision


Helen was an author, a lecturer and a humanitarian, her list of honours include Presidential Medal of Freedom that she won in 1964 and various honorary degrees from different Universities from around the world. In 1965, she was included in Women’s Hall of Fame.

Reference: Goodreads


48 Top Selected Best Yoda Quotes – The Legendary Star Wars Jedi Master

48 Top Selected Best Yoda Quotes – The Legendary Star Wars Jedi Master

Yoda was a legendary Jedi master and stronger than most in his connection with force. Small in size but wise and powerful, he trained Jedi for over 800 years, playing integral roles in the clone wars the instruction of luke skywalker, and unlocking the path to immortality.

Read our compilation of Best Game of Thrones Quotes.

Here Is The List Of Best Handpicked Quotes Of Yoda

1.”You must unlearn what you have learned.”

2.”If you end your training now – if you choose the quick and easy paths as vader did – you will became an agent of evil.”

3.”Train yourself to let go… of everything you fear to lose.”

4.”Feel the force!”

5.”Always pass on what you have learned.”

6.”Fear the is path of dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.”

7.”You will know when you are calm, At peace. Passive. A jedi uses the force for knowledge and defense, never for attack.”

8.”Smaller in number are we, but larger in minds.”

9.”Powerful you have became, the dark side i sense in you.”

10”In a dark side we find ourselves, and a little more knowledge lights our way.”

11.”Patience you must have my young padawan.”

12.”Yes, afraid. hmm , surprised are you? A challenge lifelong it is, not to bend fear into anger.”

13.”Use your feelings Obi Wan, and find him you will.”

14.”Death is a natural part of life. Rejoice for those around you who transform into the force. Mourn them do not. Miss them do not.”

15.”Attachment leads to jealousy. The shadow of greed, that is.”

16.”Destroy the sith we must.”

17.”May the force be with you.”

18.”Mudhole? Slimy? My home this is!”

19.”Ahhh! Yoda’s little friend you seek!”

20.”Faith in your new apprentice, misplaced may be. As is your faith in the dark side of the force.”

21.”Happens to every guy sometimes this does.”

22.”Who’s your jedi master? Who’s your jedi master?”

23.”Reckless he is. Matters are worse.”

Best Quotes by Jedi Master Yoda from Star Wars

24.”Mine, or I will help you not!”

25.”Difficult to see. Always in motion is the future.”

26.”At an end your rule is, and not short enough it was!”

27.”Control, control, you must learn control!”

28.”Do. Or do not. There is no try.”

29.”Good relations with the wookiees  I have.”

30.”Your weapons you will not need them.”

31.”Not if nothing to say about it I have.”

32.”When nine hundred years you reach, look as god, you will not, hm?”

33.”Many if the truths that we cling to depend on our point of view.”

34.”You will find only what you bring in.”

35.”Put a shield on my saber I must.”

36.”Already know you that which you need.”

37.”Oh, Great warrior. Wars not make one great.”

38.”Younglings, younglings gather, round.”

39.”The dark side clouds everything. Impossible to see the future is.”

40.”Luminous beings are we… not this crude matter.”

41.”The boy you trained, gone he is. Consumed by darth vader.”

42.”If so powerful you are… why leave?”

43.”Strong is wader. Mind what you have learned. Save you it can.”

44.”If into the security recordings you go, only pain will you find.”

45.”Truly wonderful the mind of a child is.”

46.”I cannot teach him the boy has no patience.”

47.”A jedi uses the force for knowledge and defense, never for attack.”

48.”Joined the dark side dooku has. Lies, deceit, creating mistrust are his ways now.”


When I have examined myself and my methods of thoughts, I come to the conclusion that these Quotes helps us to teach that do not use your powers in the wrong manner. And also teaches us that do not lose your patience in your life it can cause many big problems.

For further reference, visit MotivationGrid.

43 Best Top Selected Writing Quotes for Awesome Writers Like You

43 Best Top Selected Writing Quotes for Awesome Writers Like You

Writers’ block is every writer’s nightmare. It sneaks up like a thief when you’re expecting it the least and takes away every last bit of inspiration and words away. The worst thing you can do to a writer is, steal the most precious gem away, words.

So, if you’re going through a rough phase, unable to complete that long pending novel or pen away from the poetry that you have wanted to write for days now, then you are at a right place.

Read our post on best WhatsApp and Facebook DP.

If it sounds like writing, I rewrite it. Quotes on writing for writers and literature leaurates

Wait no more, just go through this list of quotes that I have curated and rekindle that old fame with your writing!

Happy Reading (and writing)!

Here is the list of 45 best Writing Quotes for Awesome Writers Like You


1. “You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.”

Maya Angelou

2. “Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.”

-Arthur Ashe

3. “You never have to change anything you got up in the middle of the night to write.”

Saul Bellow

4. “One day you will wake up and there won’t be any more time to do the things you’ve always wanted. Do it now.”

-Paulo Coelho

5. “The road to hell is paved with adverbs.”

-Stephen King

6. “Who wants to become a writer? And why? Because it’s the answer to everything. … It’s the streaming reason for living. To note, to pin down, to build up, to create, to be astonished at nothing, to cherish the oddities, to let nothing go down the drain, to make something, to make a great flower out of life, even if it’s a cactus.”

Enid Bagnold

7. “Cheat your landlord if you can and must, but do not try to shortchange the Muse. It cannot be done. You can’t fake quality any more than you can fake a good meal.”

William S. Burroughs

8. “All readers come to fiction as willing accomplices to your lies. Such is the basic goodwill contract made the moment we pick up a work of fiction.”

-Steve Almonds

9. “It ain’t whatcha write, it’s the way atcha write it.”

-Jack Kerouac

10. “Not a wasted word. This has been a main point to my literary thinking all my life.”

Hunter Thomson

When writing a novel a writer should create living people; people, not characters. A character is a caricature. Best Writing Quotes

11. “When I sit down to write a book, I do not say to myself, ‘I am going to produce a work of art.’ I write it because there is some lie that I want to expose, some fact to which I want to draw attention, and my initial concern is to get a hearing.”

-George Orwell

12. “Making people believe the unbelievable is no trick; it’s work. … Belief and reader absorption come in the details: An overturned tricycle in the gutter of an abandoned neighborhood can stand for everything.”

-Stephen King

13. “If a nation loses its storytellers, it loses its childhood.”

-Peter Handke

14. “To defend what you’ve written is a sign that you are alive.”

­-William Zinsser

15. “If I had not existed, someone else would have written me, Hemingway, Dostoyevsky, all of us.”

-William Faulkner

16. “For your born writer, nothing is so healing as the realization that he has come upon the right word.”

-Catherine Bower

17. “Each writer is born with a repertory company in his head. Shakespeare has perhaps 20 players. … I have 10 or so, and that’s a lot. As you get older, you become more skillful at casting them.”

-Gore Vidal

18. “We’re past the age of heroes and hero kings. … Most of our lives are basically mundane and dull, and it’s up to the writer to find ways to make them interesting.”

-John Updike

19. “The greatest part of a writer’s time is spent in reading, in order to write; a man will turn over half a library to make one book.”

Samuel Johnson

20. “If it sounds like writing, I rewrite it. Or, if proper usage gets in the way, it may have to go. I can’t allow what we learned in English composition to disrupt the sound and rhythm of the narrative.”

Elmore Leonard

The difference between the almost right word and the right word is... the difference between the lightning bug and the lightning

21. “Write. Rewrite. When not writing or rewriting, read. I know of no shortcuts.”

-Larry L. King

22. “Know your literary tradition, savor it, steal from it, but when you sit down to write, forget about worshipping greatness and fetishizing masterpieces.”

Allegra Goodman

23. “I’m out there to clean the plate. Once they’ve read what I’ve written on a subject, I want them to think, ‘That’s it!’ I think the highest aspiration people in our trade can have is that once they’ve written a story, nobody will ever try it again.”

Richard Crammer

24. “There are no laws for the novel. There never have been, nor can there ever be.”

-Dorris Lessing

25. “Style means the right word. The rest matters little.”

-Jules Renard

26. “I do not over-intellectualise the production process. I try to keep it simple: Tell the damned story.”

Tom Clancy

27. “The writing of a novel is taking life as it already exists, not to report it but to make an object, toward the end that the finished work might contain this life inside it and offer it to the reader. The essence will not be, of course, the same thing as the raw material; it is not even of the same family of things. The novel is something that never was before and will not be again.”

Eudora Weldy

28. “One thing that helps is to give myself permission to write badly. I tell myself that I’m going to do my five or 10 pages no matter what, and that I can always tear them up the following morning if I want. I’ll have lost nothing—writing and tearing up five pages would leave me no further behind than if I took the day off.”

Lawrence Block

29. “Don’t expect the puppets of your mind to become the people of your story. If they are not realities in your own mind, there is no mysterious alchemy in ink and paper that will turn wooden figures into flesh and blood.”

-Leslie Bernard

30. “If you tell the reader that Bull Beezley is a brutal-faced, loose-lipped bully, with snake’s blood in his veins, the reader’s reaction may be, ‘Oh, yeah!’ But if you show the reader Bull Beezley raking the bloodied flanks of his weary, sweat-encrusted pony, and flogging the tottering, red-eyed animal with a quirt, or have him booting in the protruding ribs of a starved mongrel and, boy, the reader believes!”

-Fred East

Literature is stream with the wreckage of men who have minded beyond reason the opinions of others. Best Quotes for Writers and Laureates

31. “Plot is people. Human emotions and desires founded on the realities of life, working at cross purposes, getting hotter and fiercer as they strike against each other until finally there’s an explosion—that’s Plot.”

-Leigh Brackett

32. “The first sentence can’t be written until the final sentence is written.”

Joyce Carol Oates

33. “When your story is ready for rewrite, cut it to the bone. Get rid of every ounce of excess fat. This is going to hurt; revising a story down to the bare essentials is always a little like murdering children, but it must be done.”

Stephen King

34. “Long patience and application saturated with your heart’s blood—you will either write or you will not—and the only way to find out whether you will or not is to try.”

-Jim Tully

35. “I would advise anyone who aspires to a writing career that before developing his talent he would be wise to develop a thick hide.”

Harper Lee

36. “People say, ‘What advice do you have for people who want to be writers?’ I say, they don’t really need advice, they know they want to be writers, and they’re gonna do it. Those people who know that they really want to do this and are cut out for it, they know it.”

RL Stine

37. “I don’t need an alarm clock. My ideas wake me.”

Ray Bradbury

38. “Just write every day of your life. Read intensely. Then see what happens. Most of my friends who are put on that diet have very pleasant careers.”

Ray Bradbury

39. “Let the world burn through you. Throw the prism light, white hot, on paper.”

Ray Bradbury

40. “It’s none of their business that you have to learn to write. Let them think you were born that way.”

Ernest Hemingway

A book is simple the container of idea--like a bottle; what is inside the book is what matters. Bes Quotes on writing for writers

41. “Writers are always selling somebody out.”

-Joan Didion

42. “Writing is not necessarily something to be ashamed of, but do it in private and wash your hands afterwards.”

-Robert Heinlein

43. “Anyone who is going to be a writer knows enough at 15 to write several novels.”

May Sarton

44. “I think all writing is a disease. You can’t stop it.”

William Carlos Williams

45. “The most beautiful things are those that madness prompts and reason writes.”

-Andre Gide

Quotes for writers on writing. You do not have to explain every single drop of water contained in a rain barrel. You have to explain one drop H2O. The reader will get it


Here were some of the best-selected Writing Quotes that are for awesome writers like you. Put these on WhatsApp status or Some cool Facebook Caption. Here’s the best list that compiles all of the awesome Quotes on Writing. For more such awesome quotes, try out our Compilation of Best Game of Thrones Quotes.

Reference: Writer’s Digest


51 Top Selected Best Rumi Quotes That You Will Ever See

51 Top Selected Best Rumi Quotes That You Will Ever See

Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Rūmī and also known as Rumi was a 13th Century Persian poet, jurist, Islamic scholar, theologian, and Sufi mystic originally from greater Khorasan. Rumi works are mostly written in Persian but sometimes he uses Turkish, Arabic and other languages. He also wrote the quotes.

Also, read the best Quotes by Mother Teresa.

Here Is The List Of 51 Best Rumi Quotes

1. We carry inside us the wonders we seek outside us.

2. The moment you accept what troubles you’ve been given, the door will open.

3. Your heart knows the way run in that direction.

4. These pains you feel are the messengers listen to them.

5. Stop acting so small. You are the universe in ecstatic motion.

6. Love is the bridge between you and everything.

7. Wherever you are, and whatever you do, be in love.

8. Only from the heart can you touch the sky.

9. Keep silent, because the world of silence is a vast fullness.

10. The desire to know your soul will end all other desires.

11. When will you begin that long journey into yourself?

12. Let silence take you to the core of life.

13. You are not a drop in the ocean, you are the entire ocean, in a drop.

14. My soul is from elsewhere, I’m sure of that, and I intend to end up there.

15. Whatever lifts the corner of the mouth, trust that.

16. Be like a tree and let the dead leaves drop.

17. There is a candle in your, ready to be kindled. There is a void in your soul, ready to be filled. You feel it don’t you?

18. Let silence be the art you practice.

19. In the blackest of your moments, wait with no fear.

20. By god, when you see your beauty you will be the ideal of yourself.

21. What matter is how quickly you do what your soul directs.

22. The whole universe is contained within a single human being.

23. There is a voice that doesn’t use words, listen.

24. I am not this hair, I am not this skin, I am the soul that lives within.

25. When the world pushes you to your knees, you’re in the perfect position to pray.

26. Let the beauty we love be what we do.

27. what you seek is seeking you.

28. There are hundred of ways to kneel and kiss the ground.

29. The lion is most handsome when looking for good.

30. If all you can do is crawl, start crawling.

31. Life is balancing of holding on and letting go.

32. When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy.

33. Patience is the key to joy.

34. Dance until you shatter yourself.

35. If light is in your heart, you will find your way home.

36. Set your life on fire. Seek those who fan your flames.

37. Be empty of worrying. Think of who created thought.

38. Let yourself living poetry.

39. Be drunk with love, for love is all that exists.

40. Be soulful. Be kind. Be in love.

41. To praise the sun is to praise your own eyes.

42. What hurts you, blesses you. Darkness is your candle.

43. Be an empty page, untouched by words.

44. Respond to every call that excites your spirit.

45. The source of now is here.

46. Grace comes to forgive and then forgive again.

47. What is painted in each person’s soul will sprout.

48. You are not one you are a thousand. Just light your lantern.

49. The message behind the words is the voice of the heart.

50. Concentrate on the essence, concentrate on the light.

51. I have neither a soul nor a body, for I come from the very soul of all souls.


When I examine myself and my methods of thoughts, I come to the conclusion that these Quotes will expand your mind instantly and helps us to understand the word in a proper manner. And also helps to take the best decisions which are best for our life.

For future reference, follow this article.


41 Top and Best Winnie The Pooh Quotes of All Time

41 Top and Best Winnie The Pooh Quotes of All Time

Winnie The Pooh, also called the pooh bear, is a fictional anthropomorphic teddy bear created by English author A.A. Milne. The book of Winnie the Pooh focuses on the adventures of Winnie the Pooh and his friends. He is one of the most popular cartoon character ever. Today I come with our latest collection of Winnie The Pooh quotes.

Read our compilation of Walt Disney Quotes too.

Here Is The List Of Some Best Winnie The Pooh Quotes Ever

 1. ”You don’t spell it… you feel it.”

2. ”Some people care to much, I think it is love.”

3. ”If there ever comes a day we can’t be together, keep me in your heart, I’ll stay there forever.”

4. ”The things that make me different are things that made me.”

5. ”A day without a friend is like a pot without a single drop of honey inside.”

6. ”How lucky I am to have that makes saying goodbye so hard.”

7. ”Rivers know this there is no hurry. We shall get there some day.”

8. ”People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing everyday.”

9. ”I’m not lost for I know where I am. But however where I am may be lost.”

10. ”Think, think, think.”

11. ”I always get to where I am going by walking away from where I have been.”

12. ”A little consideration, a little thoughts for others, makes all the difference.”

13. ”Sometimes the smallest things take up the most important room in your life.”

14. ”The most important thing is, even when we’re apart, I’ll always be with you.”

15. ”Any day spent with you is my favourite day.”

16. ”I’m short and fat and proud of that!!”

17. ”They are funny things, accidents. You never have them till you’re having them.”

19. ”A bear, however hard he tries, grows tubby without exercise.”

20. ”The nicest thing about the rain is that it always stops. Eventually.”

21. ”After all, one can’t complain. I have my friends.”

22. ”Weeds are flowers, too, once you get to know them.”

23. ”It never hurts to keep looking for sunshine.”

24. ”Could be worse, not sure how, but it could be.”

25. ”spelling isn’t everything. There are days when spelling tuesday simply doesn’t count.”

26. ”To the uneducated, an A is just the three sticks.”

27. ”Nobody can be uncheered with a balloon.”

28. ”I was walking along living for somebody and then, suddenly I wasn’t anymore.”

29. ”Home is the comfiest place to be.”

30. ”As soon as I saw you, I knew an adventure is going to be happen.”

31. ”We didn’t realise we were making memories, we just knew we were having fun.”

32. ”We need you, we always need you.”

33. ”I must go forward where I have never been instead of backwards where I have.”

34. ”Even if we are apart, I’ll always be with you.”

35. ”Sometime the thing to do is nothing.”

36. ”Doing nothing often leads to the very best of something.”

37. ”So perhaps the best thing to do is to stop writing introductions and get on with the book.”

38. ”He said it twice because he had never said it before, and it sounded funny.”

39. ”It all comes of not having front doors big enough.”

40. ”I did mean a little larger small helping.”

41. ”I wasn’t going to eat it, I was just going to taste it.”


When I examine myself and my methods of thoughts, I come to the conclusion that Winnie The Pooh is the most Charming personality in the cartoon industry. By reading his Quotes we know how to live a happy life and share happiness to others which helps us to live an Idle life.

Reference: BookRiots

43 Best Walt Disney Quotes of All Time – Wait for Number 16

43 Best Walt Disney Quotes of All Time

Walt Disney was born on December 5, in 1901, in Hermosa. He and his brother co-founded Walt Disney productions, which one of the best-known motion picture production companies in the world. He was famous for his films as well as for his quotes.

Here is a list of Best Quotes by Albus Dumbledore from Harry Potter.

Best Quotes by Walt Disney on Mickey Mouse, his other characters and other of the Disney characters made by him

Here is the list of 43 Best quotes of Walt Disney

1.”Laughter is America’s most important export.”

2.”The era we are living today is the dream of coming tomorrow.”

3.”There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate’s loot on treasure island.”

4.”A man should never neglect his family for business.”

5.”Fantasy and reality often overlap.”

6.”The worst of us is not without innocence, although buried deeply it might be.”

7.”Laughter is timeless, imagination has no age, dreams are forever.”

8.”You reach a point where you don’t work for money.”

9.”There’s is nothing funnier than a human animal.”

10.”It’s kind of fun to do the impossible.”

11.”Never get bored or cynical. Yesterday is the thing of past.”

12.”Everyone falls down. Getting backup is how you learn how to talk.”

13.”All you’ve got to do is own up to your ignorance honestly, and you’ll find people who are eager to fill your head with information.”

14.”Whatever you do, do it well.”

15.”First think. Second, believe. Third, dream. And finally, dare.”

16.”Get a good idea and stay with it. Dog it and work at it until it’s done right.”

17.”The difference between winning and losing is most often not quitting.”

18.”All our dreams can come true, If we have the courage to pursue them.”

19.”When you believe in a thing, believe in it all the way, implicitly and unquestionable.”

20.”The more you like yourself, the less you are like anyone else, which makes you unique.”

21.”That’s the real trouble with the world, too many people grow up. They forget.”

22.”Our greatest natural resource is the mind of our children.”

23.”Children are people, and they should have to reach to learn about things, to understand things, just as adults have to reach if they want to grow in mental stature.”

24.”I do not make films primarily for children. I make them for the child in all of us, whether he be six or sixty. Call the child innocence.”

25.”I don’t believe in playing down to children, either in pasted image 0f life or in Motion pictures. I didn’t treat my own youngsters as a fragile flowers, and I think no parent should.”

26.”I have long felt that the way to keep children out of trouble is to keep them interested in things.”

27.”You are dead if you aim only for kids. Adults are only kids grown up, anyway.”

28.”It’s a mistake not to give people a chance to learn to depend on themselves while they are young.”

29.”I try to build a full personality for each of our cartoon characters to make them personalities.”

30.”In our animations we must show only the actions and reactions of a character, but we must picture also with the action… the feeling of those characters.”

31.”I love mickey mouse more than any woman I have ever known.”

32.”Of all of our inventions for mass communication, pictures still speak the most universally understood language.”

33.”Mickey mouse is to me, a symbol of independence he was a means to an end.”

34.”When people laugh at mickey mouse, it’s because he is so human; and that is the secret of his popularity.”

35.”I only hope that we don’t lose sight of one thing – that it was all started by a mouse.”

36.”Disneyland is a work of love. We didn’t go into into Disneyland just with the idea of making money.”

37.”Disneyland is the star, everything else in the supporting role.”

38.”Disneyland is a show.”

39.”I could never convinced the financier that Disneyland is feasible, because dreams offer to little collateral.”

40”You can dream, create, design, and build the most wonderful place in the world, but it requires people to make the dream a reality.”

41.”We allow no geniuses around our studio.”

42.”I believe in being a motivator.”

43.”I don’t make pictures just to make money. I make money to make more pictures.”

Quotes of Walt Disney on Mickey Mouse and other characters


When I examine myself and my methods of thoughts I come to the conclusion, that money is not everything from the money we are unable to buy happiness.

By doing our work with true heart and full dedication we are able to achieve our goal and become successful in our life.

Reference: Goldcast

67 Best Cute Romantic Flirty Quotes on Boyfriend That He Will Like

67 Best Cute Romantic Flirty Quotes on Boyfriend That He Will Like

Here are awesome 67 Quotes on Boyfriend that will make his day special. Maybe it’s a WhatsApp status or a facebook post or a DM ping, all he will feel is he is special for you.

I just want to thank you for being my reason to wake up the next day Flirting Quotes for your Boyfriend

Read our post for Romantic WhatsApp DP.

Here is the List of Best Quotes for your Boyfriend

 I like your last name. Can I have it? Cute romantic flirt quotes for boyfriend

  1.  Sometimes I love you. Sometimes I want to punch you in the face.
  2. I like your last name. Can I have it?
  3.  I know he is cute but he is mine. Touch him and I will kill you.
  4. I just want to thank you for being my reason to wake up the next day.
  5.  I can talk to hundreds of people in a day but no one can give me a smile like you.
  6.  He calls me beautiful like it is my name.
  7.  I love my crazy goofy but so amazing boyfriend.
  8. He is still not perfect but he is all I want
  9. Your voice is my favorite sound.
  10. I have the best boyfriend ever.
  11. Keep calm and kiss your sexy boyfriend
  12. I love being yours.
  13. Your definition is perfect.
  14.  If I know what is love, it is because of you.
  15.  You know I am not perfect but you make me feel it in every way.
  16.  Thank you for coming in my life and for making me smile like crazy.
  17.  You are my glue. Without you, I will be broken pieces.
  18.  You put your arms around me and I am home.
  19.  The most beautiful moments of my life are because of you.
  20.  You are the part of me I will always need.
  21.  Babe, you are my better half.
  22.  If someone asked me to describe you in 2 words, I would say simply amazing.
  23.  I won’t be satisfied until I wake up next to you every morning.
  24.  And I know he is not perfect in your eyes, but somehow he is flawless in mine.
  25.  In you, I have found the love of my life.
  26.  You are my favorite place to go when my mind searches for peace.I love you even on bad days when everyone annoys me romantic quotes for boyfriend
  27. I love you even on bad days when everyone annoys me
  28. I am yours. No refunds.
  29. I want all of my lasts to be with you.
  30.  I just want to lay on your chest and listen to your heartbeats.
  31.  You are the most beautiful thing I keep inside my heart.
  32.  Love isn’t found. It is built.
  33.  You have my whole heart. You always did.
  34.  I am too late to be your first but I am preparing myself to be your last.
  35.  I look at you and see the rest of my life with you.
  36.  I want to be the only hand you ever need to hold.
  37.  Ever since I met you no one has been worth thinking about.
  38.  I am proud to be yours.
  39.  I love being yours.
  40. Being with you is what I call happiness
  41. Hold my hand and I will go anywhere with you.
  42. Some hearts understand each other even in silence.
  43.  My love for you is something I will never run out of.
  44.  Even if I only talk to you for a few minutes my day is made.
  45.  One day we will never have to say bye Only goodnight.
  46.  Your voice is my favorite sound.
  47.  I will wait for you because honestly, I don’t want anyone else.
  48.  I have found the one whom my soul loves.
  49.  My body literally aches at the thought of never seeing you again.
  50.  You came into my life and became it.
  51.  It is so important to love someone a little extra on their bad days.
  52.  I will never finish falling in love with you.
  53.  In the sea of people, my eyes will always search for you.
  54.  You are my one in six billion.
  55.  I hate being away from you.
  56.  Of course, I miss you. It is all I do.
  57.  All the love quotes are about you.
  58.  I fell in love with you for who you are.
  59.  I want to hold your hand at 80 and say “ We made it.”
  60.  Every girl deserves a guy that can make her heart feel that it was broken.
  61.  You are my today and all of my tomorrow.
  62.  Since you have been around I smile a lot more than I used to.
  63.  You are my good days.
  64.  I am happiest when I am next to you.
  65.  Have I mentioned today how lucky I am to be in love with you?
  66.  He looked at her like a blind man seeing the sun for the first time.
  67.  I love it when I catch you looking at me.

Boyfriend Quotes  I love it when I catch you looking at me


Here was the list of quotes that would make your boyfriend think all about you his whole time. For future reference check out This Article.

25 Top Quotes by Frederick Douglass That You Must Read

25 Top Quotes by Frederick Douglass That You Must Read

Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey Douglass, a writer, a statesman, an American social reformer, abolitionist, orator, was once a slave. Surprised? You ought to be, North Americans of that time (1818-1895) had been surprised too when they found out that such a great orator was once a slave. But when you have the will-power you can rise from the ashes and spread light all around the world, just like Mr Douglass here.

Read our compilation of Best of Dr Seuss Quotes.

Best Quotes by Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey Douglass which says Freedom is a road seldom traveled by the multitude

In this post today, I have curated his twenty-five best quotes that will show you the light you didn’t know you needed.

Happy Reading!

The Best Quotes List By Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey Douglass is Here

Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey Douglass quote Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will

  1. “It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.”
  2. “Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have the exact measure of the injustice and wrong which will be imposed on them.”
  3. “No man can put a chain about the ankle of his fellow man without at last finding the other end fastened about his own neck.”
  4. “The soul that is within me no man can degrade.”
  5. “Those who profess to favour freedom, and yet deprecate agitation, are men who want crops without ploughing up the ground.”
  6. “If there is no struggle, there is no progress.”
  7. “We have to do with the past only as we can make it useful to the present and the future.”

The thing worse than rebellion is the thing that causes rebellion

  1. “To suppress free speech is a double wrong. It violates the rights of the hearer as well as those of the speaker.”
  2. “Once you learn to read, you will be forever free.”
  3. “Some know the value of education by having it. I know its value by not having it.”
  4. “The life of the nation is secure only while the nation is honest, truthful, and virtuous.”
  5. “Knowledge makes a man unfit to be a slave.”
  6. “There is not a man beneath the canopy of Heaven who does not know that slavery is wrong for him.”

Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey Douglass Quotes once you learn to read, you will be forever free

  1. “The thing worse than rebellion is the thing that causes rebellion.”
  2. “A man’s character always takes its hue, more or less, from the form and color of things about him.”
  3. “The white man’s happiness cannot be purchased by the black man’s misery.”
  4. “The man who is right is a majority. He who has God and conscience on his side has a majority against the universe.”
  5. “Freedom is a road seldom travelled by the multitude.”
  6. “It is not light that we need, but fire; it is not the gentlBest of Dr Seuss Quotese shower, but thunder. We need the storm, the whirlwind, and the earthquake.”
  7. “A smile or a tear has not a nationality; joy and sorrow speak alike to all nations, and they, above all the confusion of tongues, proclaim the brotherhood of man.”
  8. “A battle lost or won is easily described, understood, and appreciated, but the moral growth of a great nation requires reflection, as well as observation, to appreciate it.”
  9. “A man is worked upon by what he works on. He may carve out his circumstances, but his circumstances will carve him out as well.”
  10. “The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress.”
  11. “I would unite with anybody to do right and with nobody to do wrong.”
  12. “People might not get all they work for in this world, but they must certainly work for all they get.”


Douglass has written many autobiographies in his lifetime in which he wrote about his experiences as a slave which encouraged the cause of abolition. His autobiographies were actually the best sellers of that time, Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave and Life and Times of Frederick Douglass. In June 1889 he became the first African-American Vice-President America ever had.

Reference: Everyday Power Blog